Thursday, 28 June 2007
The things that anger me in Europe
1. High prices for stuff. This is self explanetory.
2. Mullets/Rat Tails . There are way too many mullets over here, and not hick mullets, quasi-fashionable Milan inspired mullets. It could also be football player inspired mullets too, not completely sure about that one. I am however scared that these will somehow make their way across the atlantic someday soon. My guess is that Justin Timberlake will try to claim it as his Idea, but no, I saw it here first, go back to singing like a girl.
3. Justin Timberlake. I listen to a lot of internet radio over here because I like to listen to music while I work and its really easy. I think every station, whether it be european, north american, whatever, plays his songs, and they're all really stupid.
4. Converse Allstar shoes, yeah, didn't those happen like 40 years ago and 10 years ago. YES, so why does everyone pay 50 euros for them. I probably still have some in my closet at home and I'll never wear them again, I should have brought them and sold them.
5. McDonalds, Leave me alone Mcdonalds. Around every corner, geeze, I'm not buying a big mac menu
6. Stupid weather. Hot/Cold I don't care either way, just make up your mind. Its about 10 deg today and I almost had to wear pants, it angered me that I even had to think about wearing pants during the summer.
Thats all for now. Look forward to the list of stuff that I want to bring back with me because they are enjoyable.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Grindelwald - Switzerland

Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Black Forest Retreat

Friday, 15 June 2007
Still in Nurnberg
On the train my feet really hurt, then I realized that I walked at least 30kms this weekend. Opps
Sunday in Nurnberg
This is the Nazi Documentation center. It is an amazing museum that tells the story of the Nazi's rise to power and continues all the way through the Nurnberg war crime trials. I spent about 3.5 hrs in the museum alone and I think I watched every movie and listened to every audio clip (I couldn't read anything on the walls, so the audio-guide telephone type device basically read the whole museum to me. It was really interesting though.
The grounds around the museum and Zepplin field are enormous. It was originally going to be 11 square kilometers of marching fields and parade grounds. and although much of this area now houses the FC nurnburg staduim and a few other buildings, much of the grounds was neglected for the past 60yrs. Now they are developing it into a recreational park (as it was before 1933, when the nazi's first used it). There are kms of perfect rollerblading and there are beautiful little ponds that formed from the foundations of the never completed buildings , like the 400 000 spectator German Stadium.
Last Minute Weekend Plans
The result: Luxembourg
Some of the stairwells were super-scary and slippery. I also think they were built for little people because my shoe did not fit on them. The casements were really cool but they were hot and phyisically demanding, and I was getting tired. The middle of the day was basically spent sitting around in the middle of town watching poeple. All of the signs were either french or german or both, so I really couldn't understand anything, but it was really beautiful. I walked past the Dutchy Resident (the monarch of luxembourg). There was a gaurd in front in full military get-up with a sweet rifle. I felt really bad for him though because all the japanise tourists were taking pictures with him.
This is the Dutchy palace, its kindof hidden in the middle of a number of buildings, but it is pretty big and has a lot of frilly gold and fancy exterior add-ons. Apparently the current monarch has a teenage daughter that is super-popular. I was going to ask her to marry my if I saw her, but no dice. I was kinda upset that I couldn't stay in Luxembourg for longer because Bryan Adams was playing that night in the village square. But I wanted to see the bottom of the valley, then another 5 hours on the train home so I could get up early on sunday.
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
First Few Days
When I woke up there were a bunch of people hanging around the lounge and I met two Americans and two Austrailian guys and we went out for dinner, had a drink and looked around.
The train from Frankfurt to Stuttgart had a bunch of old ladies on it, and they pulled a full spread of food out of their bags and drank 4 bottles of wine at 10:30 in the morning. and they kept singing too.
I got to the University at 12:30 and the stupid international student office was closed, I was pissed. The hours are crazy. So I sqwatted outside of the office and one lady was nice enough to let me in after awhile. I was able to get me apartment key through them, so I was kinda lucky that I didn't have to stay in a hostel all weekend. In total it took me about 2 days today to get all the 8 things done that I needed to register as a student, and I really don't know why I need to be a student here because I'm only here for three months.
I basically wallked around stutgart looking for government offices for the past two days, which let me look at most of the city too, which was nice. Really annouying though.
Finally got a full day of work in today and tomorrow is Corpus Christi. Apparently I don't have to go into work so good for me.