I realized that I had more Picture of Parties in Stuttgart than actual Stuttgart itself. This is not good, Especially if people are trying to take me serious. Anyways, These are a few pictures of serious things in my everyday life. Above is my workplace, The Institute for Hydromechanics and Hydrogeological modeling, which is in this large pimped out building. the offices are really nice and right beside us is this huge lab called VEGAS which is apparently world renowned for its huge scale testing facilities. I spend 10-12 hours here everyday, slaving over a hot stove, uphill both ways.

This would be my place. Its about 5mins walk from work. I share a flat in a student housing complex with 3 other guys. One is in Electrical engineering, so we never see him, but the other two are really fun, and like to joke around, like me. Its kinda messy right now, but thats ok. I've realized that I really don't have enough stuff to make it really messy.

I also have a sweet balcony where we bbq bratwurst a lot and hang out and watch the sun go. This is what it looks like most of the time. What you can't see is a cute little village in the valley. and the deer eating grass in the pasture. Well.. the part about the pasture is made up, but it is a really nice view. Yeah Stuttgart is pretty nice in general. Nothing huge and famous, just a nice place to live.
You jerkhole, I can't believe you have a balcony.
yeah, And a sweet view
told you that you should have come an visited.
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