I've noticed that there is a lot of graffiti on campus. However, its not gang related punk graffiti or people "Tagging" their names in illegible fonts. Its all politically motivated graffiti or artsy looking cartoon characters. There is a lot of G8 related stuff, but I think that the above picture is my favorite piece of graffiti. Its situated in the middle of campus on the way out of the cafeteria where everyone eats lunch. I've also seen people walking around in "More Trees, Less Bush" t-shirts. I kinda want to bring some home, but I can't find them

I've been hanging around with a bunch of internship students in Stuttgart. They are all on the same international program as Heidi, the girl that I knew from home, and ran into randomly in Stuttgart. They're fun because they only speak english and they always get together and go out to new places around the city that I would have never found on my own. This picture was taken at SkyBeach, a bar on the top of a building downtown. They basically put a bunch of sand on the top floor of a parking garage and bought a bunch of beach chairs, pretty good idea.

This is Heidi's gang of American and Canadians, From left: Sarah from South Carolina, Steph from Chicago, Kevin from Nebraska, Heidi from Ottawa, and Katie from Queens. We were lost in this picture on our way to this place called the brewery on Heidi's last night. It was way out in the boones but it turned out to be a fun little spot.

Heidi left last wednesday, which kinda sucks. I use to stop on the way home from work and knock on her window to get the update on the night's events. I'm still hi-jacking her friends though.
Can you lend me some money to start a Skybeach in Canada?
I would definietly invest in a skybeach in London Ontario
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